
Western Turner Brockman Syncline No. 4

CLIENT: Rio Tinto
LOCATION: Pilbara, Western Australia
COMPLETION DATE: 2008 - 2012
project overview:

Rio Tinto‘s Western Turner Brockman Project consists of the Brockman 4 and Western Turner Syncline mines.

Western Turner Brockman Syncline No. 4 Project Details:

The first phase included the Brockman 4 mine expanded from an annual capacity of 22 million tonnes (Mt/a) to 40 Mt/a. The Western Turner Syncline mine expanded from 6 Mt/a capacity to 15 Mt/a.

The second phase of The Brockman 4 project included an expansion of the village, additional mine fleet and construction of a primary crusher and a 4km overland conveyor to increase the Brockman 4 operation from its scheduled 22 Mt/a to 40 Mt/a capacity in the first half of 2013.

The Western Turner Syncline expansion incorporated the construction of a primary crusher and a 20km overland conveyor to deliver ore to the Tom Price primary stockpiles. Existing Tom Price infrastructure was utilised, including the high grade and low grade processing plants, stockyards, train load-out and on-site facilities.

DBM Vircon’s Scope of Work:

DBM Vircon provided geospatial/mapping, mine, civil utilities, mechanical and structural disciplines to ensure multi-disciplinary interface checks were conducted, assisting in the project design and ensuring accuracy of the fabrication drawings.

The major project goal was to ensure the client’s schedule milestones were achieved whilst ensuring the highest level of accuracy in the provision of all client deliverables including:

  • Mine Information Modelling (MIM) Systems
  • Fully intelligent 3D Review Models including vendor items
  • Integrated and collaborated systems between engineering and detailed design
  • 2D Shop Detailing Drawings (Total of 42,000 drawings and fittings, with additional 4 corresponding MIM reports per drawing)
  • Electronic Fabrication Data
  • Detailed Material Take Off’s

David Dawson