
Voyager II Quarry Primary Crushing Facility & Brickworks

CLIENT: BGC Contracting
project overview:

BGC’s new Voyager II quarry replaced the nearby ageing facilities. The product produced is crushed granite in 7 aggregate sizes from dust to 20mm. The primary crushing facility is capable of producing 1,500 TPH of -125mm granite. The ROM bin is fed by 90 tonne haulpaks feeding an apron feeder, onto a vibratory grizzly, into a jaw crusher and onto an out loading plate feeder to the secondary crushing facilities.

DBM Vircon’s Scope of Work:

DBM Vircon’s scope included the supply of an integrated design and detail services package of the proposed primary crushing facility at the new Voyager II quarry.

This included the below areas:

  • Primary crushing concept model;
  • Engineering design and detail drawings of earthworks, battering, concrete, 90 tonne ROM bin, structural steel shed including 60 tonne overhead travelling service crane;
  • All maintenance access ways

Voyager II Quarry Primary Crushing Facility & Brickworks Project Highlights & Challenges:

  • DBM Vircon were able to highlight deficiencies in the process engineering data supplied to client. Assisting client in resolving issues very early in the concept plan of the project assisted with reduction of costs schedule.
  • The weekly progress meetings held with all stakeholders including the client’s project manager, operations manager, and safety manager to progress the model. All areas requiring design, operational and safety concerns were resolved before the design was locked down for final model completion.
  • Using the DBM Vircon integrated design approach the model progressed to the satisfaction of all stakeholders. The model was then “locked” for final model preparation and delivery of detail drawings.
  • The overall project highlight was the delivery from sketch layout to detail drawings, issued for construction, substantially faster than the traditional pathway.

David Dawson